뻥선 블로그
국민일보 종교국 기자입니다. 편집부, 사회부, 문화부를 거쳤습니다. 뻥선 티비, 뻥선 포토도 운영하고 있습니다.
최근 내 대학친구와 결혼한 프랑스인 에띠엔느를 만났다.

I thought that every spot of the injection is foot.

나는 모든 주사가 다 발에 놓는다는 줄 알았어.


파리 날씨는 어때?

what's the weather in paris?


파리가 더 뜨겁나요?

Paris's more hot than seoul?


I've heard you have 3 treatments for a tubebaby. IVF(in vitro fertilization )


something for pregnacy in hospital that people who is sterile(스떼어럴) is doing.


what happened?


Ive heard it's hard to woman. of cource to man.



and it need much money.




I am sure it will be fine. / It's gonna be fine.



I don't know exactly he's position in his work.

is he a  government emplyee?

I think I heard he is a business man who manage a work for a school.

'No he's a government employee.'

so. I guess his salary is high.

you and your wife get on a plane 2 years at least in order to visit your in law.

"but we don't have a car and we don't need to pay a monthly rental. I mean we don't pay the same other people pay usuallly. so we have chance to get on plane."

I see.


is it schoolhouse you live?  the house that teacher or interested person live for free.










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